"Djanet Sunset" is an enigmatic fragrance, suspended delicately between the realms of reverie and existence. It beckons forth visions of the majestic and mystical Dunes of Djanet, a landscape adorned with vibrant hues amidst the sweltering heat. Within this olfactory journey, a floral and woody oriental elixir unfolds, paying homage to the legendary Algerian desert sunset.
At its heart lies a solar floral accord, where the richness of sambac jasmine absolute and the ethereal essence of orange blossom converge, casting a mesmerizing spell. Beneath this luminous canopy, a base of vanilla and coffee emerges, forming an unexpected and enchanting union of aromas.
Top notes: Floral Notes and Coconut
Middle notes: Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Patchouli and White Wood
Base notes: Vanilla, Coffee and Amber.
**FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $29 plus and free 1 ml sample with purchase of 3+ samples. And as always, free test strips with every order. You're welcome!!**